Tuesday, August 28, 2012

And now a word from your President

Four books, three chapters, two emails, one meeting and zero lunch -- and it's only been the first day.

This will be my life for the next nine months. School has a way of wrapping itself around me year after year. Outside of the day-to-day classes, there are day-to-day meetings, phone calls and emails that all add up to one thing: USUAA Student Body President. In addition to the normal class load that every student has, I have a few things on top of that, such as meetings with the chancellor or the dean, sitting in on Board of Regents meetings, as well as being a constant voice for the student body.

The first week of school is always a whirlwind, but the first week of school when your the newly elected student body president, is feeling half-petrified, and half-excited. How do you be president of
1,500 students while being a full-time student? What if I suck? Well let's just be positive about this, I thought; Think on the bright side and it will all be over soon. My semester began with introducing Chancellor Tom Case at the 2012 Freshmen Convocation, and just like that I hit the ground running. After my introduction I ran off to get ready for Campus Kickoff and prepare for the throngs of students that would soon swarm the Cuddy Quad.

Campus Kickoff ended up being a huge success, I had the opportunity to speak to many students and get the word out about USUAA and what we do. I had such a wonderful time engaging with students while dancing around to the music!

While Kickoff was a great time, the first day of classes was just as fun! After finishing up my classes for the day I headed to the SU to do some tabling and listen to noon music. The music was great, and the students were awesome! So many great questions and interested students that want to know about their University. All in all, it should be a great year to be a Seawolf.

--Alejandra Buitrago
USUAA Student Body President

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